Culture Diversity from Java Island


Java (Indonesian: Jawa) is an island in Indonesia. With a population of 135 million (excluding 3.6 million of Madura, which is administered as part of Java), is the most populated island in the world and one of the most densely populated in the world. It houses 60% of the Indonesian population
Formed mostly the result of volcanic events, Java is an island in the 13 largest in the world and the fifth largest island in Indonesia. Chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine of the island. It has three languages, though Javanese is dominant and is the mother tongue, 60 million people in Indonesia, most of whom live in Java. Most residents are bilingual, in which Indonesia is their first or second language. Although most of the people of Java are Muslim, Java is a mix of religious beliefs, ethnic groups and cultures.


Wayang Golek Cultural
Jaipong Cultural dance
Topeng Cultural dance
Dewi Cultural dance
Yapong Cultural dance
Dogdog Lojor Cultural dance
Topeng Tumenggung Cultural dance
Kandagan Cultural dance
Topeng Klana Cirebon Cultural dance
Merak Cultural dance
Sunda Cultural dance
Lutung Kasarung Cultural dance


Ruwatan Cultural
Wayang Kulit Cultural
Art of Batik
Gambyong Cultural dance
Sintren Cultural dance
Gambir anom Cultural dance
Jawa Mangku Negaraan Cultural dance
Bondan Payung Cultural dance
Angsa Cultural dance
Puspiretno Cultural dance


Ojung-Bondowoso Cultural dance
Jejer Gandrung Cultural dance
Gandrung Dor Cultural dance
Ngremo Cultural dance
Merak jatim Cultural dance
Sri Panganti Cultural dance
Cemeti Cultural dance
Soyong Cultural dance
Kuda lumping Culture

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