Bedugul if Bogor Botanical Gardens Bogor Botanical Gardens have, Raya Bali also have a garden. His name is Eka Karya Botanical Garden, but people prefer to call Bali Bedugul Botanical Garden, because it is located in Bedugul. Located about 60 km from Denpasar and is on track Denpasar - Singaraja and located at an altitude of approximately 1000 meters above sea level. Because of the weather here tends to cool and cold, with mist in the rainy season. Can be taken approximately one hour from Denpasar or Kuta. Bedugul, 18 km north of Denpasar and 1400 meters above sea level, is known for its excellent golf course. The three lakes of the area provide the water for the fields, rivers and springs on the plains below. Lush pine forests make for clean air. The area renowned for its fruit and vegetables. A beautiful sight is the "Ulun Danu" temple which seems to rise out of the lake.
Bedugul approached the street and slightly uphill winding. If the rain comes, caution because the road becomes foggy and a little slippery.
Bedugul approached the street and slightly uphill winding. If the rain comes, caution because the road becomes foggy and a little slippery.
The main road continues past a number of hotels on the left until it reaches the village of Bedugul proper. Here you find shops, a few restaurants, a bank, telephone office (wartel, a market selling local produce (including flowers, coffee and vanilla) and a lane leading up to the botanical gardens (Indonesia : Kebun Raya).
Beyond the village the road descends towards the lake, turning left at the Ashram Hotel. The road then continues north to Candi Kuning. On the right hand side is the entrance to the Pura Ulun Danu and other temples. A line of souvenir shops indicates the way. A fee of Rpl,000 is required to enter the temple.
The walk from Bedugul market to the Ashram Hotel takes about 10 minutes. The temples on the shore are another 10 minutes further on. From the market to the entrance of the botanical gardens takes about 15 minutes on foot.
Eka Karya Botanical Garden
When I arrived at Bedugul area, the first tourist attraction can be visited is the Eka Karya Botanical Garden is more known as Kebun Raya Bedugul. This botanical garden was first encountered when coming Bedugul area, precisely Candikuning village area, District Baturiti. From Denpasar-Singaraja road, this botanical garden located on the left a big clue in the street with a gate entrance area.
Entrance ticket for adults costs Rp 3500 there are two entrances. Special left door car users, while on the right to motorcycle users. Differences entrance is done because the car while the motor is not dperbolehkan entry. So if you bring a car, you are more able to reach the farthest regions of the botanical gardens in the area. However, because the atmosphere is cool and refreshing by a variety of plants, walking (trekking) could be attractive options.
As a botanical garden, Bedugul Botanical Garden has a collection of thousands of plants that reach 16 000 plant collection consisting of 1500 species, 320 genera, and 155 tribes plants. In addition, there are still wild plants and various birds. The total area of 154.5 hectares Bedugul Botanical Gardens with a very friendly landscape at an altitude of 1250-1400 above sea level. Some parts higher than other parts so little climbing. But the green carpet of grass that made the trip okay to pass. The grass is like covering the land surface between tall trees and lush flora. Not surprisingly, a lot of visitors who choose to sit on the grass. There is a grounded mat but more directly be grass beneath the leafy trees.
Under these conditions, Kebun Raya Bedugul most visited family on weekends. While the father's mother sat chatting in the green grass, the kids could play football or racing with friends. But if you're already there, why not walk to see various places in the only botanical garden in Bali.
Lake Beratan Beratan & Pura Ulundanu
Do not be too long a rest, there are still other places in Bedugul who have not visited the three lakes. The first lake that can be visited is Lake Beratan which is on the right road to Singaraja. The distance is approximately 300 meters from the Botanical Garden Bedugul. We can enjoy just sitting by the roadside because the lake is located just beside the road. But clearly it would be better if we enter the tourist spot. For that we had to pay USD $ 3300 including insurance.

The area's first tourist attraction is the playground. In one part there are children's play area in the form of swing, swivel chairs, and others. Next to this playground when there are restaurants at lunchtime, full of visitors for serving food buffet. Still in the area of the park, on the other side there is a Buddhist temple in the form of about five meters tall stupa is surrounded by four statues of Buddha at the bottom. This shows how multiculturalism was walking in Bali since the first. Especially right next to Buddhist temples, there are Ulun Lake where the Hindu community to pray when visiting Bedugul. In addition, not far from the area have Ulun Lake mosque so that it becomes painfully multicultural nuances. This is what makes Bedugul really different!
Lake Buyan
After the Beratan, two lakes else can we visited was the Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Two lakes are already logged Sukasada district, Buleleng regency. Buyan Lake is located on the left of the village road Pancasari become famous place for anglers because of the many fish in this place. Number of visitors in this place is not as much in Beratan. But could become a tourist destination when you visit to Bedugul.
Lake Buyan
After the Beratan, two lakes else can we visited was the Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Two lakes are already logged Sukasada district, Buleleng regency. Buyan Lake is located on the left of the village road Pancasari become famous place for anglers because of the many fish in this place. Number of visitors in this place is not as much in Beratan. But could become a tourist destination when you visit to Bedugul.
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Lake Buyan Bali |
Lake Tamblingan
Last Lake is a lake Tamblingan which is about 5 km from Lake Buyan. To reach this lake we will pass the road uphill with very sharp corners. This road is located in Bukit Pangelengan where there are caves former Japanese World War II first. However, historic caves along the road was not too concerned because in this place there are also benign monkey habitat. Some regular visitors stopped to pray at a small temple on this street or just teasing the monkeys. To reach Lake Tamblingan, choose a road to the left in the direction of the road to Singaraja Munduk after passing through Bukit Pangelengan. The road here straight up and down several times. This paved roads, such as precise at the top of the hill so we could see the two lakes on the left and the town Singaraja in the distance on the right.
When we reached the village of Wanagiri, namely the view of two lakes Buyan and Tamblingan was visible in one view are separated by a small forest. The lake below us with the twin hills as a backdrop. Tennag sparkling lake water affected matahri excellent views from this place. To be enjoyed with a delicious, we could command a coffee at this place. For Munduk area, Banyuatis, and Wanagiri a coffee producing village famous. we can enjoy it while sitting in some place provided by local residents for the visitors. Believe me, this is the best possible
Last Lake is a lake Tamblingan which is about 5 km from Lake Buyan. To reach this lake we will pass the road uphill with very sharp corners. This road is located in Bukit Pangelengan where there are caves former Japanese World War II first. However, historic caves along the road was not too concerned because in this place there are also benign monkey habitat. Some regular visitors stopped to pray at a small temple on this street or just teasing the monkeys. To reach Lake Tamblingan, choose a road to the left in the direction of the road to Singaraja Munduk after passing through Bukit Pangelengan. The road here straight up and down several times. This paved roads, such as precise at the top of the hill so we could see the two lakes on the left and the town Singaraja in the distance on the right.
When we reached the village of Wanagiri, namely the view of two lakes Buyan and Tamblingan was visible in one view are separated by a small forest. The lake below us with the twin hills as a backdrop. Tennag sparkling lake water affected matahri excellent views from this place. To be enjoyed with a delicious, we could command a coffee at this place. For Munduk area, Banyuatis, and Wanagiri a coffee producing village famous. we can enjoy it while sitting in some place provided by local residents for the visitors. Believe me, this is the best possible