When you visit Jogjakarta, do not forget to visit the historic sites on this one, the monument jogja back or what we often call Monjali. This monument is located north of Jogjakarta, exactly on the edge of Ringroad north, just east of intersection with Ringroad Magelang north.
This monument was erected to commemorate the event yogya back a few decades ago. This monument also includes a museum, when we get into this monument, we will be faced with miniatures illustrated in ancient warfare, and how people attempt to fight the invaders jogjakarta, in the monument there are also statues are very similar to the original , we can see the president Soekarno, sudirman, as well as the first sultan Hamengkubuwono young.
In this monument there are several floors, on the first floor we can see directly litter is legendary, which is used jedral sudirman. That's a real emergency stretcher is an ordinary cane chair tied up with some extra wood in the chair so that it can enjoy uninterrupted hot weather and rocky road.

In it there are also many items before the colonial era are on display in a comfortable position for viewing. Inexpensive souvenirs are also in this museum, making it suitable as a gift when visiting Jogjakarta. Culinary in the museum is also a wide range and with model dkemas mini booths in various corners of the room, on the verges pool or off-site museum.
The games can still be enjoyed in this museum are the water sports (pedal boats), flying fox, a rickshaw.
Mini pedicabs being rented 15,000 for two rounds are also popular with visitors.
This monument was erected to commemorate the event yogya back a few decades ago. This monument also includes a museum, when we get into this monument, we will be faced with miniatures illustrated in ancient warfare, and how people attempt to fight the invaders jogjakarta, in the monument there are also statues are very similar to the original , we can see the president Soekarno, sudirman, as well as the first sultan Hamengkubuwono young.
In this monument there are several floors, on the first floor we can see directly litter is legendary, which is used jedral sudirman. That's a real emergency stretcher is an ordinary cane chair tied up with some extra wood in the chair so that it can enjoy uninterrupted hot weather and rocky road.

In it there are also many items before the colonial era are on display in a comfortable position for viewing. Inexpensive souvenirs are also in this museum, making it suitable as a gift when visiting Jogjakarta. Culinary in the museum is also a wide range and with model dkemas mini booths in various corners of the room, on the verges pool or off-site museum.
The games can still be enjoyed in this museum are the water sports (pedal boats), flying fox, a rickshaw.
Mini pedicabs being rented 15,000 for two rounds are also popular with visitors.