Parai Tenggiri beach


beautiful pantai parai 500x332 Beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach in Bangka Island
beautiful view at pantai parai
This beautiful beach called Parai Tenggiri Beach and located in an island surrounded by gallstones. Geographically, Parai Tenggiri Beach located in Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung. The attractiveness of Parai beach is a wonderful natural panorama and very amazing who visit here. At first, local people call this beach as a Hakok beach, then as Parai beach. Parai beach is the most beautiful beaches on the east coast of Pulau Bangka. Since the first when the beach called Hakok beach, its place is the most popular areas to visit.
There are many rocks on this beach, like beautiful natural decorations. At the left end of the beach, there is a cluster of rocks in order to slick and called Rock Island. At night, tourists can relax while enjoying a delicious meal and a drink while enjoying the sea waves that hit the rock. Access to get here is via a bridge with lamp lighting along the edge of the right and left hand. Tourists can walk to the Rock Island while enjoying the scenery and the cries of sea waves
Today, these places have been equipped with complete facilities, including Parai Indah Hotel with Cottages, Restaurant, Swimming Pool, Disco, and other facilities, which can provide service, convenience and natural beauty for every tourist coming to Bangka Island.
parai tenggiri beach 500x379 Beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach in Bangka Island
parai tenggiri beach view
clear water of pantai parai 500x343 Beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach in Bangka Island
clear water of parai beach
rock island pantai tenggiri 500x332 Beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach in Bangka Island
rock island of parai tenggiri beach
pantai parai 500x330 Beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach in Bangka Island
coastal of parai tenggiri

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