Narmada Park is located in the Village Lembuah, Narmada district, West Lombok regency, some 10 kilometers east of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Park which covers about 2 hectares was built in 1727 by King of Mataram Lombok, Anak Agung Ngurah Karang Asem, as a place Pakelem ceremony held every full moon Caka fifth year (October-November). In addition to the ceremony, Narmada Park is also used as a resting place of the royal family during the dry season.
The name of Narmada is taken from Narmadanadi, the son of a very sacred Ganges River in India. For Hindus, the water is a sacred element that gives life to all beings in this world. Water emanating from the soil (spring) is associated with Tirta Amrita (immortality water) emanating from Kensi Sweta Kamandalu. Formerly the possibility of Narmada name used to name the name of springs that form several ponds and a river in that place. Eventually used to refer to the whole complex of temples and Narmada Park.

Narmana Park Complex
Narmana Park complex in Lombok it can be divided into several parts, the main gate, jabalkap, twin lake, gate bracelet / paduraksa, mukedes, padmawangi lake, lodge hall, bright hall, patandaan, sakapat buildings, halls bancingah, Pura hump and Pura Lingsar. The following will described the parts of the Narmada Park from the main gate.
Arch-shaped main gate and was briefly on the north. Once we enter the main gate jabalkap page, in which there is the twin lake. In the southern part jabalkap there is a gate called the Gate Bracelet or Paduraksa that links between pages jabalkap with mukedes page. On page mukedes there are several pieces of buildings, among others Sanggah Temple, Hall and Hall Pamerajan lodge (one of the buildings between the king's residence). In the southeast there is a gate mukedes page to the page pasarean. On this page there are also paseran Hall lodge, Lake Padmawangi, Pawedayan, pawargan, Light Hall, and a new building that does not clear the status. Light Hall is a building that serves as a resting place / king bed, shaped stage made entirely of wood. The top of the building which used to enjoy the open view of the Meru temple on the east side. Doors and windows Light Hall is patterned single month and herbs.
In the east there is a page pasarean hump or Pura Pura Narmada. Architecture resembles a staircase shape punden. The most sacred part contained in the central courtyard in the most above steps (temple in Bali's most sacred pages is generally the most rear). This temple temple belonging to the universe or a temple common to all Hindu Dharma and is one of eight old temple on the island of Lombok. Narmada temple situated on a cliff-steps staircase, being under the cliffs of the valley and the lake there are mermaids swimming child soon.
South there pasarean page patandaan page. On this page there are two buildings patandaan sakapat wantilan which is a kind or four-poster outdoor stage. On this page often held a variety of performances. While in the south there Patandaan bancingah page. Left on this page is now just a wall around the yard with two gates for a while.
Elements of other buildings that actually there are many, including showers nine (Siwak) is located on the Segara Anak. The shape of the building with two separate sections dorogancet resemble traditional building in Central Java. This building includes a building sacred to both Hindus and followers of Dharma Tilu Time.
In addition, there are also a source of Hall petirtaan its water comes from Mount Rinjani. Petirtaan Hall is also the meeting place of three sources of water, namely Suranadi, Lingsar, and Narmada. For the eyes of its water comes from Mount Rinjai and meeting place of three other springs, the water that exist in Central petirtaan can be trusted to make the people who drank and washed her face with water in it will stay young.
Other buildings in the Narmada Park complex in the form of landscaping has been difficult to trace its authenticity. According to the map of 1899 parks in the Narmada Park complex are: Angel Park, Garden Anyar Paresak Parks, and Parks hump. Newer parks and park hump is now a township resident. While the park has now become Paresak orchards with the main crop is the mangosteen fruit. (Ali Gufron)
The name of Narmada is taken from Narmadanadi, the son of a very sacred Ganges River in India. For Hindus, the water is a sacred element that gives life to all beings in this world. Water emanating from the soil (spring) is associated with Tirta Amrita (immortality water) emanating from Kensi Sweta Kamandalu. Formerly the possibility of Narmada name used to name the name of springs that form several ponds and a river in that place. Eventually used to refer to the whole complex of temples and Narmada Park.

Narmana Park Complex
Narmana Park complex in Lombok it can be divided into several parts, the main gate, jabalkap, twin lake, gate bracelet / paduraksa, mukedes, padmawangi lake, lodge hall, bright hall, patandaan, sakapat buildings, halls bancingah, Pura hump and Pura Lingsar. The following will described the parts of the Narmada Park from the main gate.
Arch-shaped main gate and was briefly on the north. Once we enter the main gate jabalkap page, in which there is the twin lake. In the southern part jabalkap there is a gate called the Gate Bracelet or Paduraksa that links between pages jabalkap with mukedes page. On page mukedes there are several pieces of buildings, among others Sanggah Temple, Hall and Hall Pamerajan lodge (one of the buildings between the king's residence). In the southeast there is a gate mukedes page to the page pasarean. On this page there are also paseran Hall lodge, Lake Padmawangi, Pawedayan, pawargan, Light Hall, and a new building that does not clear the status. Light Hall is a building that serves as a resting place / king bed, shaped stage made entirely of wood. The top of the building which used to enjoy the open view of the Meru temple on the east side. Doors and windows Light Hall is patterned single month and herbs.
In the east there is a page pasarean hump or Pura Pura Narmada. Architecture resembles a staircase shape punden. The most sacred part contained in the central courtyard in the most above steps (temple in Bali's most sacred pages is generally the most rear). This temple temple belonging to the universe or a temple common to all Hindu Dharma and is one of eight old temple on the island of Lombok. Narmada temple situated on a cliff-steps staircase, being under the cliffs of the valley and the lake there are mermaids swimming child soon.
South there pasarean page patandaan page. On this page there are two buildings patandaan sakapat wantilan which is a kind or four-poster outdoor stage. On this page often held a variety of performances. While in the south there Patandaan bancingah page. Left on this page is now just a wall around the yard with two gates for a while.
Elements of other buildings that actually there are many, including showers nine (Siwak) is located on the Segara Anak. The shape of the building with two separate sections dorogancet resemble traditional building in Central Java. This building includes a building sacred to both Hindus and followers of Dharma Tilu Time.
In addition, there are also a source of Hall petirtaan its water comes from Mount Rinjani. Petirtaan Hall is also the meeting place of three sources of water, namely Suranadi, Lingsar, and Narmada. For the eyes of its water comes from Mount Rinjai and meeting place of three other springs, the water that exist in Central petirtaan can be trusted to make the people who drank and washed her face with water in it will stay young.
Other buildings in the Narmada Park complex in the form of landscaping has been difficult to trace its authenticity. According to the map of 1899 parks in the Narmada Park complex are: Angel Park, Garden Anyar Paresak Parks, and Parks hump. Newer parks and park hump is now a township resident. While the park has now become Paresak orchards with the main crop is the mangosteen fruit. (Ali Gufron)